Hi it's me again ready to hook u up with some great ONF factz youre welcome
(pronounced On And Off but i say "on-ff"
(pronounced On And Off but i say "on-ff"
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ONF second mini album 'You Complete Me' (alternative titled 'ONF's best album') |
So first lets get the facts out of the way before we get to the nitty gritty details
their fans are called Fuses (cute)
their fans are called Fuses (cute)
Their discography consists of Two Very Spectacular Mini Albums™
in which their title songs are Complete and ON/OFF (If you like Really Really by winner, or LATATA by (g)idle these songs are FOR U)
And hey spoiler alert this entire group is just a huge soft cottonball bunch and thats proven by science i dont make lies okay once yuto cried bc he thought he wasn't good enough and whatever he did didn't exceed his expectations and that triggered the Soft Boys alarm (everyone was in different teams and different practice rooms) and everyone ran and hugged him and showered him with comforting words
also they save up small amounts of change in this tin can and play on the claw machine on their days off how freaking adorable it that
also they filmed a music video in the middle of a playground H OW CUTE
okaokay lets start
Okay we gonna start with the Leaders™ yes leader ( S ) they're split into two teams for shits and giggles and i'm not mad tbh we gonna start with Hyojin aka Nation's most beautiful son (no one calls him that tho)

- 1994 April 22, Taurus
- soft voice
- underrated vocalist
- The most beautiful human, confirmed by all of MIXNINE contestants
- looks soft but v mature like he knows what to do in bad situations
- the center of all of mixnine dudes
- very cute man and bffs with fellow human team member J-us but pretends he isnt
- like theres this one time there were too many people in their performing group and some people had to leave the group but no one wanted to so J-Us stood up, smiled and left and hyojin just stared at him but in the interview he looked absolutely devastated and sad
- literally swtiches first place with woo jin young every week in MIXNINE
- also soft friends with hangyeom and donghun which is the Superior Buddies in MIXNINE
- very much in love with laun
- knos hes cute
- dad of the group, alwasy helps out fellow member yuto and laun with vocal lessons
- kind of a grandpa like if he did the splits he would crack all his bones
- kicked kim hyun soo off his team once and that made me sad for like 2 minutes
- "is this a WM party?" when 3 WM ent contestants made the top 10 that week
-um can reach the back of his head to dye his hair and a professional asked him if he went to the salon to do it hes SKILLED MAN
- wyatt: *in eng* hyojin ur my baby
hyojin: *in a digsusted tine* nO

Then the next leader is J-US yes the one thats bffs with hyojin

- 1995, January 13 Capricorn
- literally the biggest mom in the world with the most caring heart which is made of gold
- not wine mom, not soccer mom, but soft mom
- literally has 12 seconds of screentime in mixnine but he helped everyone big time
- vocalist
- bffs with hyojin (10 fucking years my dude)
- also very soft if u didnt already notice
- helps yuto and laun with vocal lessons like if hyojin is helping yuto, jus is helping laun i love a family
- worried mom; when the group was carrying laun during their performance, he said in the softest voice "put him down please"
- thinks of himself last. because he helped everyone SO MUCH instead of getting screentime, hes off to the side helping contestants.
- one time everyone was stressed because of the final performance, but Rubin (another contestant) couldnt focus because he was so nervous so when everyone left J Us pulled him to the side, cheered him up and went through the steps with him i cant beleive hes so cute
- again, voluneraly left the group because there were too many people. the song was popular and he knew but he let the other contestants shine through that song. also influenced another higher ranking contestant to leave to the other group to give an opportunity for the lower ranking groups to shine. I love an influential mom.
- smiley until the very end even when he didnt have any benefit points (which he needed in order to not be eliminated) was happy for jaeyoung when he recieved it
literally self sacridfice o my fuvking god
- probably holds launs hand when he crosses the street
- anyways, soft mom, soft heart
Next up is etion, or lee changyoon
- literally the older brother of the group

1994, december 24, capricorn
- high pitched voice i love him
- witty as hell
- cried once on mixnine and my heart broke into a million pieces let me tell u that was the worst day of my life
- on the weekends he and yuto chill at the dorms bc they live far from home (thank god bc yuto would be the only personleft inthe dorm if it werent for him)
- cute older brother that put in money from the claw machine and yuto won a toy but changyoon insisted it was his but let yuto have it after like 10 seconds.
- steals the toy from yuto still when he thinks hes not looking and watis at the door for yuto's reaction
- J:us: "im not tired because there are people working hard around us and they give me strenght"
hyojin: that was cool
etion: *says the same thing* @ the editors please switch it around
- J. Us: "what was that?? im handsome?? haha"
etion: pls get urself checked
- him: to meditate, you need to imagine the place youre nervous to be and think about how calm the situation is and youll be calm
him: *does that*
10 secs later: "yeah thats not working"
- messiest person in onf with laun
Shin Jae Young

- 1995, January 23, Capricorn
- rapppeerrr
- literally the biggest softie and can't get mad at anyone
- you know hes in the room when everyone is running to hug him
- he buff as heck and his shoulders are slightly hunched over and good lord he got huge shoulders
- literally friends with everyone in MIXNINE and comforted a handfujl of trainees when times got tough
- "i always tell you you're doing a great job why are you doubting yourself??" This entire group is good at emotionally supporting people
- one time mixnine was picking teams nd Laun kicked him out of the team because there were too many people in there and he was so freaking sad and frusterated about it but when Laun repeatedly apologized jaeyoung smiled and said "nah it's okay its okay. now sit down before you die" literally tried to kill the sad aura with a joke when everyone knew how much wyatt wanted to be in that group
- once when Laun (rank 3) kept making mistakes he said "yes i have a chance of getting top 3" and JTBC made a huge deal about it but we all know he didn't mean that lmfao who he tryna fool
- cried while watching crayon shin chan
- voted as the coollest contestant of mixnine by literally everyone
- also very leader material!!! when he was the leader of the Hug team, he let everyone take all the lines then took the leftover lines what a selfless man

Park MinKyun, MK

1995, November 16, Scorpio
- outstanding vocalist
- Beagle, Aegyo machine, sounds kind of like michael jackson
- smiley af
- yes he was in Starship's No Mercy
- i think it was hyojin that was like "when I watched you (MK) in no mercy you were so skinny and frail and you look great now I'm so glad you joined our team" can you hear me crying
- "i share rooms with him and every time we make eye contact he does aegyo and smiles..look hes doing it right now" - Yuto
- literally had like 2 seconds of screentime in MIXNINE that show did him dirty.
- an outstanding singer and guitarist i'm in love with him
- MK: *Playing the guitar*
etion: hey do you take requests
MK: *puts a cup in front of him*
etion: ???
MK: only if you pay me
- was part of a dance performance team in mixnine and when they recorded the song everyone was shook thats MK stan culture my friends.
Mizuguchi Yuto, U

- 1999, March 16, Pisces
- friends with Laun but in the most sofest way this is how their conversations go
- Laun: hey Yuto lets get bread after practice :)
Yuto: Okay! Lets go get bread! :)
and they both part ways lmfao
Hyojin: there is literally no development in their conversations
- cried in Mixnine once and literally every single member, each from different practice rooms in the YG building hauled their asses over to him and hugged and comforted him that is so fjucking soft let me tell you
- stays home on the weekends and lays in bed all day
- Etion: hey lets watch tv together
Yuto: uh you can do that yourself
- the best dancer that you and I know
- literally so good at dancing that another team called him over and asked him to monitor their dancing (he did)
- really good at korean that people call him "Kim Yuto"
Last but definitely not least:
Kim Min-seok, Laun

1999, August 12, Leo
- Dancer and everyone from MIXNINE love hims like there is nO ONE THAT DOES NOT LOVE HIM
- has the Signature Smile that moves everyone's heart
- you know hes in the premises when you hear "HOW CUTE YOU'RE SO CUTE" from literally everyone
- kicked wyatt out of the team so he sounds super evil but he was shaking sO HARD and he was so close to crying and he was so regretful that he apologized and was sweating
Wyatt: its okay its okay!! now sit down before you die
- Laun: *does anything* everyone from the entire group: YOURE SO FUCKING CUTE WHAT THE F-
- least wittiest person eveyrone knows
like hyojin said "when we moved into the dorm i didn't even notice he was here bc he's so quiet"
- theres this whole video dedicated to the members baby-ing him watch it
- if you say "kim min seok" everyone is already raising their hand to get a high five from him
- does the sexy concept sometimes and all the onf members cry inside and cringe outside bc hes not allowed to grow up nope no can do buddy
thank u for tuning in to my Guide for ONF!!! Pls stream Complete bc its a bombass song also listen to Good Morning, Fly Me to the Moon and Difficult and if u love cats then Cats Waltz is ur jam