Friday, July 13, 2018

KeePer by the boyz: explained

Okie Dokes I'm an Entire Day Late on this post but I'm going to deeply analyze the KeePer MV hell yeah here we go dudes

So first of all the title KeePer is xxtra cute and the P is capitalized because it stands for Protecc which you will see later when we analyze the MV (and i totally didn't just make that up btw i only st8 factz)

Alright so first it starts off real cute like we got an airplane dancing scene which is a prerequisite for Cute Music Videos™ 
((and this is the literal definition of 21 Pilots but like 12 pilots))
and we got ju haknyeon as the main pilot aka a Huge Mistake™ if i were on my way to hawaii and saw that he's a pilot im hauling my butt outta there 
like the way he's turning the wheel?? not trustworthy my dudes 
((but i love him and he's the center for the first time in ages i love this concept))


we got hwall as the airplane traffic officier and again if im in that plane i would blast real quick becuase HE'S LANDING THE PLANE IN THE MIDDLE OF A TENNIS COURT I'M SURE  THERES SOMETHING ABOUT THIS IN THE TRAINING BOOK LIKE IDK "DON'T LAND THE PLANE IN A TENNIS COURT"?????

alright then the screen pans into a house in which 6 of them are spying (thank god they're not part of the secret service let me tell ya) also lets just talk about how the windows don't like its just a hole in the wall with curtains but like whats the point of having curtains then bc its just going to fly every time some wind comes in??? ALSO THERES NO WINDOW NET SO FLIES ARE GOING TO COME IN?????? 

and they're looking at the others painting airplanes also someone pls tell new that blowing it softly in fact does NOT help the pain dry one bit someone sign him up for art clas p l s 

then it pans to a kingsman roleplay session and tbh im not complaining bc thats a pretty good movie hi yes kingsman fan here

and erics obviously jealous of hwalls airplane also i love how he's hoding a ball to show everyone that he's a super casual teenager lol

THEN WE GET TO THIS REAL CUTE SCENE where they obviously have beef with each other because the spynig kids are jealous of the other kids' airplanes but kevin totally has nothing to do with is bc he didn't even have how own airplane he was reading the whole time and the team dragged his down with them 

and this is my favorite part bc sunwoo just siked him and thats so satisfying bc i would totally do that if i met kevin and sunwoos already doing me the favor 

AND THIS IS SO CUTE BC HE JUST THROWS A HEART BACK L O O K (also if y'all've seen the mv for day6's Shoot Me this is the moral of the entire video good job kev) 

and this is so freaking cut E TOO BC THEY GOT BEEF AND IMMA BEAT U UP BUt damn we gotta tie haknyeon's jacket first don't wanna see it hit his face ya know what im dsaying 

and this is the cutest fight scene ever bc younghoon is shaking hands with jacob they just started world peace (also totally just typed younghoon's name as Younghood and made him sound like an angst underground soundcloud rapper bYE)

and this is the start of Haknyeon's Tragic Love Story™ tune in for deets

but before that we gonna talk about kevin and how he plays what looks like the least significant but turns out to be the most significant scene hold on to ur socks people

anyways hes just reading and looking great my favorite scene from this mv

and we have this very random shot f jacob layin gin the tennis court where the airpanes supposed to land and shieldin his eyes from the sun like theres no trree in a 5 feet radius to shade him and younghoon shades him which is real proof that no one shades you harder than ur friends.
this scene i guess starts the "ILL PROTECT YOU IN MY HEART" scenes 

and the second 'ILL PROTECT YOU" scene in then eric, hyunjae and sunwoo are trying to show that they're c00l causal teenagers by bro fisting (that sounds so wrong in so many ways lol) 

and hyunjae saves kevin from death (but in theory he would d*e anyways bc hes totally walking towards the edge of the pier and he must be reading manga bc thats the only book that can grab my attention for more than 4 seconds)

and it doesnt show in this gif but hwll totally just falls in love with hyunjae bc he saw him being a saviour wow kings of romance am i right people

okay i think thats the end of hwalls scenes im pretty sure his only role in this mv is to look cute and fall in love and im not mad at those roles tbh

now back to hakneyons love story: hes drawing the Love of His Life™ and theres sangyeon yaknow just living every artists nightmare 
"hey he's drawing something everyone gather around and breathe down his neck while he arts!!!" 

again he is smitten by this person wow cute scene is so cute

and tbh this part gets weird bc he stares longingly at an orange and new just takes it and 


yeah then jacobs like "here bro srry bout that" and haknyeon just sniffs the sharpie fumes mmmm good stuff and

then freaking kevin pats the orange's head and throws confetti on it??????? lots of things going on rn people

and i guess we're back on track people i guess he experiences unrequited love and gets a bit angsty sorry my dude

angst angst also why they got a train seat in their room and is that legal

sad and remorseful head pat thanks sangyeon

then the lights suddenly dims and a mystery man picks up his drawings and BOOM MV DIRECTOR HITS US WITH THAT (DDU DDU DDU DDU DDU) FANCY FOOTWORK YAS KINGS of wearing burettes to play tennis 

yes the dude was juyeon and he comes with a glamor shot in the mv very noice 

and fixes AND gives it back to the sad man we love a handy dandy king

then this part i guess forshadows the entire situation. Long story shot everyone gets jealous of hyunjae's airplane as if they didn't have their own airplanes earlier that day 

and the camera dramatically zooms in and shakes like mnet and produce 101 when someone says something slightly shady 
and as you can see kevin moon already freaking knew some shits about to go down and didn't want anythign to do with that damned airplane

so the airplane drops as predicted and everyones sh00k except kevins like "yall never listenin to me hope that airplane breaks to pieces rip"

then q catches the airplane in the q-test way possible danmit

and everyone lived happily ever after the end

okay SO obviously the whole plot of the story is that a boy falls in love (hence the looking through window in awe) and (along with his dudebros sangyeon and new) examine and studies them from afar (hence the reading hwall was doing) and obviously protects that person from death of skateboard (kevin dying) and sunburn (jacob dying) but suddenly the person he loves said "fuq u get outta my face" then juyeon mends his broken angst heart and honestly idk what the ending is BUT the airplane scene is obviously a metaphor in which theres a pretty plane (which is the person he likes), it drops and he catches it (like hes protecting the person he adores) 
but im also like whats the orange gotta do with anything