Wednesday, June 27, 2018

A guide to Kim Hyun Soo

Y'all know how obsessed I get over a group every time i hear one (1) good song from them then I bury myself in a hole where I only listen to their songs for like a whole month. (Yes I'm talking about Stray Kids' YAYAYA and The BOYZ's Get It)
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So a little back story to this:
I was watching MIXNINE solely to see my boys ONF and then I reached that episode. YES THAT EPISODE. The episode that aired the MOST ICONIC MIXNINE PERFORMANCE of Love in the Ice  that I only watched to see Changyoon and god knows I fell in love with Kim Hyun Soo.
Now I know HyunSoo before I watched MIXNINE because he released an Iconic Song with his dudebro Woocheotji (Woo Jin Young) (AND THAT SONG IS S O GOOD BTW HERE IT ISS)

Now I am literally so in love with his voice and personality and I'm going to share some info with you so y'all can suffer with me h a

Okay so first off y'all need pics of him so here he is
Image result for kim hyun soo hnbImage result for kim hyun soo hnbImage result for kim hyun soo hnb

He is in Happy Face Entertainment (with Dal Shabet if y'all remember them; @ Woohee stans wherer u at, and Dreamcatcher!) and is in a predebut group with a couple of Happy Face trainees called HNB.

His voice is the most beautiful thing I've ever heard theres this video of him singing and a person who was watching him got so shook that the glass of water in his hand started shaking lmfao.

Starts @ 0:41

Also here's the full audio I just blessed your ears you're all welcome

Tbh he sounds like he's got a sore throat but in the most beautiful way and he's so good that keeping the emotions of the song I'm honestly so sad he didn't make it to top 9
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Anyways Here are some facts about him

1)nickname is 'bear' but imo he looks like a fox
2) favorite feature is his genuine personality
2) has the smallest cutest hands in the world (think: BTS' jimins hands) you can see them in the Hand in Hand fancam
3) enjoys spicy food
4) is the messiest person jin young knows like he ddeadass said he doesn't want to room with hyunsoo bc hes so damn messy
5) has the most youtuber morning routine (not) he literally just wakes up, put a hat on and go to the complany's building to brush his teeth (bOI DONT EVEN WASH HIS FACE?)
6) likes thriller and horror movies wow so spook
7) honestly he looks kinda lost sometimes and doesnt give a fuck at other times like theres this one time hyojin kicked him out of his team (apologetically) and while everyone was sad they got kicked out of the team hes just like "oh no..." and walked off
8) smol. so smol and floof


but he also ready to fight

8) he also really loves his hnb team like look how cute


And here's his solo song that he just released in his and jinoung's album

IKON STANS (dat me) he covered don't forget from their "Return" Album!!!!

He also covered Sudden Shower 
And here he is being cute as heck thanks for reading