Friday, March 2, 2018

Australian Gold Botanical Sunscreen SPF 30
Hello Internet Hoomans!! This is my very first review on this blog and it can either be super informative or burst aflame idk lets get started 

So the product I'm reviewing is The Australian Gold Botanical Sunscreen. 
I would assume Australians know their stuff when they talk about sunscreen bc honestly....have you been to Australia?? So I kinda feel like this review is going in the right direction so far...
For starters, it has an SPF of 30 and the font on the packaging is real cute 
(i remember having this handwriting in 7th grade and my English teacher called me out every single day because "the T's and N's are not supposed to be the same size") and it is available on ulta. 

It claims to be non-greasy, and antioxidant rich ((not sure how i'm supposed to test that we'll see what goes down)). It has "Kakadu Plum, Eucalyptus and Red Algae" and does not contain fragrances (yes!!) along with parabens and other harmful chemicals. This product also has 4.5/5 stars on Ulta so this sounds very promising.

First off, cute, travel friendly packaging with cute font ok ok so far so good 
(@the Australian Gold designing team: ur doing a great job sweaty))
The bottle is the average joe, precise squeezy tube which allows you to get the amount of product you need.
The scent is very sweet when you smell it out of the tube (there is foreshadowing in this statement) and it doesn't smell like your typical Sunblock Sunscreen if that makes sense 

As you can see, the sunscreen is quite thick like any other sunscreens and for makeup users this DOES cause flashback so I would avoid this. 

Application on the face:
At first when I apply the cream on my face its smelled light and fresh but as I evenly distribute this to the rest of my face, the scent punches me in the face and lingers for about an hour. The smell, which is light when you smell it from the bottle, is very strong, sickening smell that gives me a headache a little bit and lingers for like i said, an hour. That was an hour of slow pain and this week I haven't even used sunscreen bc I don't want to face nausea from this sunscreen. 

This sunscreen did not make a change in oil production on my skin (it didn't claim it will but i just wanted to add a bit of info about that) and I have very oily skin.

At the end of the day when I was washing my face, I scratched ny nose and a bit of it balled into my nail. This product doesn't sink into the skin like a moisturizer and I'm not saying that particularly a bad thing, I just haven't seen anything like that (from using my Olay Complete All Day UV Protection in the past) It's kind of like a foundation where you apply it to the skin and is on the surface of your face instead of like a moisturizer where it goes in. It IS translucent when it's on the face so it's unnoticeable so that pretty cool.

Out of 5 stars I would give this s 3.5

The scent is too strong for my liking and I don't like the "sunscreen layer" it gives me ((even though thats probably how the product makes you mot sunburnt))
I DO like that it doesn't contain parabens which as you all know are controversial, and fragrance that damages the skin in the long run, it contains whole organic ingredients for an affordable price.
There is clearly more pros than cons when it comes to this product so will I purchase this again? No thanks, I really don't like the smell (((I'LL NEVER GET OVER THIS SMELL N E V E R ))) but my mom would probably like it bc shes very conscious of the ingredients that she applies on her face.